Group Exercise Classes


Tabata & HIIT Express

Tabata is a high-intensity interval training that consists of eight sets of fast paced exercises each performed for 20 seconds interspersed with a brief rest of 10 seconds. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training class meaning short periods of intense anaerobic exercise followed by less intense recovery periods. This class will blast calories and tone muscles through a variety of exercises. This class is designed for intermediate and advanced participants, but movements can be modified.


Power Bootcamp

An upbeat class where your instructor takes you through a series of challenging muscular endurance and cardio full body movements, that will have you sweating and your muscles burning. Feel strong, powerful and accomplished leaving our Power Bootcamp class. This class is designed for intermediate and advanced participants, but movements can be modified.


Body Sculpt

A low-impact, high-rep muscular endurance full body workout designed to target all major muscle groups. This encouraging class will get your muscles burning without putting extra stress on your joints. Fun, upbeat and designed for all levels of fitness.


Cardio Kickboxing

Cardio Kickboxing is a martial arts inspired fitness class where you will practice a variety of combinations and self-defense movements in an action packed class.  It is a total body workout that involves utilizing multiple muscle groups to elevate the heart rate and burn up to 500 calories a class. Safely learn how to execute the proper technique of punches and kicks with a punching bag or a partner.

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